Just to clear up an error mentioned earlier:

"Queen Elizabith does not get elected..she is known to be the queen since birth..mch like what is happening in middle.."

Actually, when she was born, she was never realistically expected to ascend to the throne. It was only as a result of the abdication of her uncle that she became heiress presumptive. Had her uncle stayed on the throne, she would never have been Queen.

As regards the rest of the thread, the logic seems to be, I guess, that since a woman has never been elected president of the US, for instance, then women don't have equal rights.

I'll split a hair and say that you are confusing rights and opportunity. Women have the constitutional right to be President, but no woman has yet been given the opportunity. As Gypsy pointed out, politics is still largely dominated by men and fewer women have the connections to become President. I doubt Hilary would have even been elected Senator had she not been married to Bill.

I wonder if we'll ever see the day when a Gulf country has a female Emir, or female heir(ess) apparent.