I used to work as a receptionist at a hotel before.. and trust me I have seen guests in all fashions.. and i can tell you that when i get a Qatari, or a Kuwaiti, or an Emarati family/individual .. they are very much different from the Saudis..

i do not mean to generalize.. as there are many of both who give the same image.. but the majority who portray an image or feeling of suddenly set free prisoners who want to do everything and anything no matter what the consequence is before they are thrown back into jail are the Saudi.. whether it is Women or Men.. the Opression in Saudi, while it effects the women mostly it also effects the men.. and a prison is a prison.. when you are told NO NO NO NO NO NO all the time.. and suddnely the Jailer looks away.. ur going to grab at that chance to do what is a NO NO before your jailer is back ...