I lived in Saudi for 15 yrs, I grew up there, my father was there for 30 years... Yes NOW there is some changes.. Yes NOW there is a bit more "freedom".. a studied one at that.. where u call it freedom but it is not...

yeah so now we can see a group of girls walking in the mall together.. enjoying a shopping spree without having to have a male accompany them.. but nevertheless.. allow me to say when one speaks of freedome they are not merely speaking of it so that a woman can go have pre-maritel sex and forget all what she had been taught as tradtion..

Freedom of Choice teaches responsibility mroe effectively than oppression... it is a Known fact that what is not allowed is coveted in arabic as you are qatari you would understand ( Il mamnou3 marghoub) then when they go and break the rules and the traditions they are punished beyond comprehension.. what for?! if they are provided with the knowledge they need and then given the freedom to make their choices dont you think their choices and actions will be much more responsible and better than if it was made for them and they were foced in to it?!

Its like when you want to major in photography while ur parents want you to be a Doctor.. a Doctor is more prestigious.. a title, money.. good will.. what is a photography?

Which do u think you would excel in?! one where you are forced into or the one where you had been given the freedom to choose? does the fact that you made the choice demean ur family?!