what you dont realise advocate is that Europe and America are very different and the Danish would be grossly insulted by your inference that they are controlled or influenced by America. What they did was because of their very strong belief in free speech, and obviously christians aren't going to react in the same way.

If you actually do some reseacrh into Europe it can be pretty antisemitic on a level with the middle east. Remember Hitler!, the neo nazis are still going to this day. People in the west do openly say that isreal at times has been over the top with its retaliation.

I hate that some muslims believe what Bin Laden says that all of the west are completly pro isreal.

Palestine will only be solved around a table, the only other option is for middle east to close and kick out US troops etc and then blockade and seize isreal. But it wont becuase many of the royal families need the US to look after them. So they play one side against the other, drip feeding money to Hamas so it can keep kicking the bees nest and then cry to the rest of the muslim world when it gets stung.