it is purely based on mythology (myth, fictions), which is also proved if you know about the case of 'Ramsetu' in south India, which is non-existent.

I noticed some deity in India has resemblance (in life) with prophets of Allah, who came long before Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). Like Jesus is prophet in Islam and God in Christianity. Hindu prays to certain deity, who were might be prophet of Allah but made God by Hindus.

secondly, if you read the stories told in "Holy Quraan' are mostly proven historically and scientifically.

That's is the reason, I always request all Readers and Qler's to let use and apply personal efforts to learn and read Quran with its meanings to understand and differntiate between the facts and fictions.

Both a suicide bomber (who kills innocent life) and a buddhist monk, as per Islam both will go to Hell.

Rationally, a buddhist monk or (mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi for instance)seems in our views better person while comparing to a terrorist........but missing the faith in ONE god that is ALLAH, is enough to take him to Hell.....I am not sure what punishment may Allah give them. Allah knows the BEST!

But definitely get a different treatments, in the eyes of Allah on the Day of judgement depending on their Deeds.

Dear Gypsy, you are again wrong because your brains has limited capacity and understand what you see.
while your heart decides and differentiate what you feel and accept the reality.....

Have you ever been in ambiguous situation prior taking certain decision, When your brains cursed you for taking stupid decision and your heart appreciated that you really did a Great JOB? Similarly Reglion is a belief and feeling, which is difficult to explain in words.
Trust it make some sense to you.