Im not prejudiced advocate - your comparing apples to oranges.

In the west rape data is pretty well understood, in the middle east it isn't. When I was in bahrain i only read about one case and that was beacuse an indian worker was specifically raping bahrainis. Just about every phhillipino lady out here will tell you someone has tried to kidnap/co erce them.

You find me some proper data carried out by a reputable university and i'll believe you. At the moment it is swept under the carpet. Go to any womens rights website and they will say the same.

Apples and oranges - rape data for ME -

In uk 11,000 rapes in Egypt 20,000 rapes egypt has 74 million people and UK has 60 million people. Back to school advocate.

Please stop with the lie that west is so much more corrupt than the middle east when obviously it isn't. Both have their problems.