Alhamdulillah! .. thanks for telling us that the driver of that horrific accident is alive, ak_ujc. I thought mon_robles said he pinned to the wheel.

Arien, "Come on - when you drive you drive.. sitting and praying on the driver seat??? go get a life dude.."
- We usually pray before we start driving. Sometimes during the journey, if in trouble but never taking our eyes off the road. It was how I lived because God protected me from that other idiot in Malaysia! The car I was driving at the material time was a tin can - my parents car - because I exchanged / gave them my car to use permanently which was a better one. The car I was driving was a total wreck but I lived. .. unless, of course, I'm writing this from the twilight zone. Good thing that came out of it - got a new car. This one is a cute little small one. Bad thing is I'm paying for 2 cars now hence my affinity to the church mouse.

UkEng - rumble strips - good idea.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama