"Whistling, Loud conversations and laughter should be avoided." WTF?? no laughing? LOOOOOOL guess now the only answer is that everyone carry laptops, or any other devices and start talking to each other. Dubai is going to be a silent zone from now on. A husband is going to be scared to hold his wife's hand and might have to carry his marriage certificate around like his driving license with his photo attached to it. No one is going to click pictures anymore for fear of being caught and thrown in jail. There goes all the blonde jokes anyone gets on their mobiles as it will be termed as a JOKE and spreading rumors about blonde's in general. If i was in dubai i'd be scared to adjust my specs as i always seem to do it with my middle finger and that might be termed as offensive hand gesture. You will go to the hotel for a drink, and sleep there only or you will carry your very own personal sober driver along.

Indeed i love the new rules..bravo Dubai :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

