Dubai issues Prohibited Public Behaviour List

Authority bans dancing in public: report
Dubai authority issues a list of prohibited public behaviors
Playing loud music, dancing, nudity, kissing and even holding hands in public is considered inappropriate behavior under new guidelines laid down by the authorities of Dubai, according to a press report on Saturday.
Dubai Executive Council issued a list of public behaviors that requires Dubai residents and visitors to respect the customs of the Muslim country and avoid what the council considers inappropriate behavior, according to the Arabic-language daily Al Emarat Al-Youm.
"Pants and skirts have to be of appropriate length, and outside clothing should not expose body parts indecently and should not be transparent "
Dubai Executive Council
The rules, which apply to all public places, include a ban on all forms of nudity, playing music loudly and dancing, exchange of kisses between men and women—and even on unmarried couples holding hands.
Any breach of the guidelines, by nationals or expatriates, carries a possible prison penalty, the paper wrote.
The order also requires all visitors of public places, such as government buildings, shopping malls, streets and restaurants to dress in “appropriate” clothing, otherwise they would be denied entrance to those areas.
“Pants and skirts have to be of appropriate length, and outside clothing should not expose body parts indecently and should not be transparent,” the guidelines stipulate under section “public behavior,” Al Emarat Al-Youm wrote.
In addition, the council ordered that anyone caught under the influence of alcohol—even a small amount—outside designated drinking areas is liable to being fined or imprisoned, the paper added.
Dubai, a member of the seven-emirate United Arab Emirates, has a diverse culture as it is home to a foreign population made up mainly of low-skilled workers from Asia and Western professionals.
Unlike most of its neighbors in the conservative Gulf region, the emirate tolerates a relatively relaxed dress code and hosts dozens of hotels that have bars and clubs, where alcohol is legally served.
However, a series of incidents, including crackdowns on cross dressers and the expulsion of two British expats found guilty of having sex on the beach, has thrown into the limelight the sometimes clashing local and foreign cultures.
لائحة سلوك تُـلزم المواطنين والمقيمين والزوّار باحترام دين الدولة وثقافتها وتقاليدها
دبي تحظر التصرفات الخادشة للحياء
خبر عاجل
المصدر: دبي ـ الإمارات اليوم التاريخ: السبت, مارس 14, 2009
أصدر المجلس التنفيذي لإمارة دبي لائحة السلوك العام لإمارة دبي، تتضمن وضع معايير «للآداب الاجتماعية التي يجب على المواطنين والمقيمين والزوار اتباعها احتراماً لثقافتها ودينها وعاداتها».
Dubai Executive Council issued a list of the Appropriate Public Behavior, obliging Dubai Locals, Expatriates and Visitors on respecting its Social, Cultural, Religious and Customary ethics.
وتلزم اللائحة التي حصلت «الإمارات اليوم» على نسخة منها، المشار إليهم، باحترام ثقافة الدولة وعادات شعبها وتقاليده، وبتفادي جميع أنواع التصرفات غير اللائقة في أنحاء الإمارة كافة. وتم تعميمها على كل الدوائر الحكومية والشركات الخاصة في إمارة دبي.
The list ‘Obtained by Emirates Today News Paper’ compels locals, residents and visitors on respecting the country’s values, morals and believes by avoiding all kinds of inappropriate behaviors throughout the whole Emirate.
The list has been circulated throughout Dubai’s Governmental Departments and Private Companies.
فتحت بند «الآداب العامة» شددت اللائحة على ضرورة احترام رموز الدولة من حكام وعلم وشعار وطني، وعدّت الإساءة إلى أي من تلك الرموز جريمة يعاقب عليها القانون.
Under the Article of Public Moral Code, the list stressed on the importance of respecting the UAE’s icons, including but not limited to it’s Governors, Flag, National Symbols…etc.
According to the list, any insolence of the aforementioned will be considered a crime.
وألزمت اللائحة جميع مرتادي المناطق العامة في الإمارة، من مبان حكومية ومراكز تجارية وشوارع ومطاعم ومحلات تجارية، وغيرها، بارتداء ثياب مناسبة، إذ إن ارتداء ثياب غير لائقة، قد يعرض صاحبها للمنع من دخول تلك الأماكن. ووفقاً لهذا البند يتعين أن تكون السراويل والتنانير ذوات أطوال مناسبة. كما لا يجوز للثياب الخارجية أن تكشف عن أجزاء من الجسد بشكل غير لائق، أو أن تكون شفافة. كما لا يجوز ارتداء ملابس بشعارات وصور بذيئة ومسيئة إلى أي فئة من فئات المجتمع
Visitors of all public places in the Emirate, including but not limited to Governmental Buildings, Shopping Malls, Restaurants and other are obliged to wear suitable clothes at all times. Individual wearing improper/indecent clothes will be banned of entry.
وتلزم اللائحة مرتادي الشواطئ، وأماكن السباحة، رجالاً ونساء، بارتداء ملابس سباحة مقبولة، من حيث ثقافة المجتمع وعاداته، كما تحظر ارتداء ملابس السباحة خارج الشواطئ، حسبما تقتضي قواعد اللباس في باقي أنحاء المدينة (الاحتشام). كما تعدّ التعري محظوراً بكل أنواعه، ويعاقب عليه القانون بالحبس والإبعاد القضائي.
The list obliges visitors of both genders to wear accepted swimming attires at beaches and swimming areas (in respect of society’s culture & values). It also prohibits wearing swim wear afar swimming areas as stipulated by the General Dress Code applicable to the rest of the Emirate (Decent Clothing).
Nudity of all sorts and kinds is strictly prohibited and is penalized with imprisonment and ejection.
وتحظر اللائحة تحت بند «السلوكيات بين الجنسين» تبادل القبل، أو الاحتضان، أو المداعبات، أو التحرش الجنسي، أو معاكسة النساء، أو تشابك الأيدي، أو غيرها من التصرفات الخادشة للحياء. وتعدّ مرتكب أي منها مخالفاً للآداب العامة، وقد يعاقب عليها القانون بالحبس والإبعاد القضائي، ويسمح فقط للزوجين بمشابكة الأيدي بما لا يخل بالذوق العام. كما تمنع الرقص ورفع صوت الموسيقى بما يؤذي الآخرين، في الأماكن العامة والحدائق والشواطئ والأحياء السكنية، ويسمح بهما في الأماكن المرخصة بذلك.
Under the Article “Behavior Between Sexes”, the list strictly prohibits several actions in public such as: any kind of; kissing, cuddling, fondling, sexual harassing, harassment of women, hand holding or any other act that can be considered as abrasion of modesty. Any individual who conduct such act will in violation to Public Decency which can be penalized with imprisonment and ejection.
Only married couples are permitted to hold hands in decent ways that does not harass public civility.
Hence Dancing and disturbing Loud Music in Public places such as beaches, parks and residential hoods is forbidden; its allowed in its designated places.
وتحت بند «المؤثرات العقلية» أكدت اللائحة أن تعاطي المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية وتناول الكحول محرم تماماً في الإسلام، ويعاقب عليه القانون. ونظراً للتنوع الاجتماعي في الإمارة، فإن تناول الكحول مقنن بشدة، موضحة أن حيازة أي نوع من أنواع المؤثرات العقلية، وبأي كمية كانت أوتناوله أوالمتاجرة به، تعد جريمة. في حين أن كل من يضبط تحت تأثير الكحول في غير الأماكن المخصصة ولو بجرعة خفيفة، يتعرض إلى الغرامة المالية أو الحبس، ويقتصر تناول الكحول على الأماكن المخصصة لذلك.
Alcohol and Drudges: Alcohol is only allowed in its licensed places. Any breach will be punished with imprisonment and fine.
Drugs are strictly forbidden. Its position, consumption or trading is con considered a crime.
كما أشارت اللائحة إلى منع قيادة المركبات أو الشروع في قيادتها تحت تأثير الكحول أو المؤثرات العقلية، وكل من يتم ضبطه تحت تأثير تلك المواد، وهو يقود مركبة ما، سيتعرض للمساءلة القانونية التي قد تصل إلى حد الإبعاد القضائي.
Drivers caught under alcohol effects will be legally accountable for the consequences which may lead to expulsion.
وألزمت السائقين والركاب بارتداء حزام الأمان ومراعاة وجوب جلوس الأطفال في المقاعد الخلفية، ومراعاة أصول استخدام الهاتف المحمول، مع ضرورة إفساح الطريق لسيارات الشرطة والإطفاء والإسعاف، وعدم التوقف أو تخفيف السرعة للمشاهدة في حال وقوع الحوادث. إضافة إلى إيقاف السائقين سياراتهم في الأماكن المخصصة، واحترام المشاة لممرات العبور، ومراعاة وسائل السلامة عند قيادة الدراجات النارية والهوائية.
Drivers should use head sets. All vehicle passengers including driver are obliged to wear seat belts. Children must be seated in the back seats. Road way must be vacated to Police, Ambulance and Fire department cars. Drivers are prohibited from stopping to watch accidents. Pedestrians must be respected.
ولفتت إلى حظر التدخين بجميع وسائله في المرافق الحكومية والمراكز التجارية، والالتزام بالأماكن المخصصة له، وكل من يخالف ذلك سوف يتعرض للمساءلة.
Smoking is restricted to its permitted areas. Violators will be held accountable.
وتحت هذا البند أيضاً أشارت اللائحة إلى منع تناول الأدوية المشتملة على مواد مخدرة أو مؤثرات عقلية ممنوعة قانوناً في الدولة، وتناولها يعد مخالفة يعاقب عليها القانون
Any chemicals that affect the mind is prohibited, and consuming it is punishable by law.
وفي إطار بند «التعايش السلمي» عدّت اللائحة ممارسة الحريات الشخصية أمراً متاحاً للجميع، لكنها شددت على حظر الإهانات والسب والشتم، في حين عدّت جميع أنواع الإشارات باليد أو بالإيماءات البذيئة أو العدوانية مخالفةً عامةً عقوبتها الغرامة المالية والحبس،مع ضرورة احترام الجميع لأرتال الدور في جميع الأماكن، وتقديم كبار السن وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والنساء الحوامل، وتجنب الحوارات الصاخبة أو الضحك بصوت عال أو الصفير.
Verbal abuse of all kinds, offensive hand gestures or any other aggressive or malevolent gestures is a violation panelized with fine and imprisonment. All nationalities and religions must be respected. Old civilians, disabled and pregnant woman should be given priority when necessary. Whistling, Loud conversations and laughter should be avoided.
كما شددت على أن إذاعة الأخبار أو البيانات أو الشائعات الكاذبة والمغرضة، وبث الدعايات التي تعكر الأمن العام وتضر بالمصلحة العامة أمر خطر يعاقب عليه القانون.
Spreading or circulating false roomers, news’s or jokes that harasses public security, peacefulness and health will be punishable.
وأكدت أهمية توخي الحذر عند التقاط الصور الفوتوغرافية، وعدّت تصوير المرأة والعائلات بشكل متعمد، ومن دون استئذان أمراً غير مقبول في مجتمع دبي.
Being cautious while taking photographic pictures is necessary. Photographing women and families on purpose without taking permission is publicly un accepted in Dubai.
وخصصت اللائحة باباً للدين الإسلامي والأديان الأخرى، وألزمت المعنيين بإغلاق الموسيقى في الأماكن العامة والسيارات القريبة من المساجد، عند سماع صوت الأذان. إضافة إلى عدّ التدخين والشرب والأكل في
knowledge......Morph is no longer since Mr.Hart died.....good for you, doing your homework, it rather begs the question, do you have nothing better to do?
Too late...I've done my homework. I'm waiting for you to morph into SuperNurse...oh I'm mean Dora...
“Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees.” -Dolores Ibárruri
We don't hate you...we just hate it when you attack Islam and try to impose your misguided way of life on us.
"Did not attack Islam. However, by your comments I suggest that you do hate many."
I meant "you" in GENERAL....not YOU personally. And I'm referring to Anti Islam remarks on many many threads.
“Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees.” -Dolores Ibárruri
Don't flatter yourself.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
I know your tactics and the likes of you.
“Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees.” -Dolores Ibárruri
**"Btw on the comment about Qatar not having any serial killers, I think you have to take into account that the whole country of Qatar is smaller than most cities in other countries. I think you will find that having serial killers is not a result of the country, but more of the population count."
I disagree. We have a huge population of Muslims in Saudi and Afghanistan and there are no serial killers there. I think it has to do with morality of the people.
You really resent ex-pats don't you? By the way there are serial killers in both those countries. lol
Get your facts right.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
It's about time Dubai starts cleaning up its city. Time to pack up my bags and get movin' to Dubai. I wish Qatar would apply some of the same laws here. I'm sick of looking at these homos...putting their arms around each other and holding each other's pinkies.
No Penny...I'm not naive, you're mistaken. Yes Qatar does have its share of crimes and filth here. But not to the degree that your country has. At least we don't have serial killers here.
Only the misguided youths copy you guys.
We don't hate you...we just hate it when you attack Islam and try to impose your misguided way of life on us.
Did not attack Islam. However, by your comments I suggest that you do hate many.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
Alexa sums it up...
We have the haves n have nots...
We stay cause were making major bucks....
The poor stay cause they making major bucks considering the country they come from...
I only stay here cause of my salary...
I be honest...Otherwiae I be out of here...
Maybe they fire me one day...
I could leave....
But like I said before...
It's all about the money
You can't teach experience...
Yes, please bring back no public laughing! We need a clean and humorless Arabia. Lashes to those who laugh I say!
Just don't blame the Christians that there is now a Church (and more under construction) in Qatar.
That's a fight you'll have to pick with the Emir.
Finally Dubai woke up from slumber. Hats off to them for putting records straight to everyone. Hope they implement the rules strictly.
Its about time Qatar wakes up too, cleanup the mess which is degrading the society, we need clean & Islamic Arabia back!
Flickr has been banned in Dubai now, as part of their great moral cleanse.
As you land on Emirates you are welcomed to '21st Century Arabia'. Indeed.
BritExpat I think RP is practicing before the 2012 summer
How did we get on the subject of serial killers??
Serial killers are pretty rare in general, and as for whether or not there are some here...well it's highly possible there is. Given that the press cannot report crime accurately, the high level of human trafficking, etc. This place is really well suited for serial killers.
"Bin Laden..the biggest serial killer in the world"...false statement.
Don’t be ignorant all your life, take a day off why don’t you?
INTER2006: What would you call people who mercilesly drop bombs on Muslim women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
I think rules are good if they go with Islam and are enforced. If not, then it's just for book purposes only. And those who don't like it...go back to your countries or find another country that suits your way of life. How simple is that?
I'm done with this topic.
What would you call people who train suicide bombers? Serial killers? mass murderers?
I definitely think it has to do with the morality of people whether they become serial killers or not. But I also do not believe Muslim countries are any more moral than other countries. I guess differences of opinion will come into play here, because morality can be a subjective topic. For example I believe capital punishment, honour killings and the death penalty are immoral acts, however I do not think hugging or kissing a loved one in public, wearing little clothing in the heat, or drinking alcohol is offensive and immoral. I believe all parents in all societies within all countries raise their children not to think it's good to kill other people, so to say it's a Western act of immorality is a bit of a sweeping statement. A serial killer is usually someone devoid of common human feelings, in particular compassion and guilt, and every now and again someone is born with little ability to acquire these feelings. This isn't necessarily a product of the society, but an accident of birth, which means the greater the amount of births, the greater the occurrence.
And the "huge" amount of muslims in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan which combined are about 70 million people, do not compare to America alone which has over 300 million people. I also do not believe there are no serial killers raised in Muslim societies, but I do think their behaviour is not publicised and immortilised in the media as it is in Western countries.
earth needs to stay young and beautiful earthquake eh? what for?
needed.So God just keep eye on our filthy behaviour, either guide us or Shake the earth
No, of course there are no serial killers in Afghanistan LMAO.....yeah right......Bin Ladens' hanging out there or Saudi isn't he?....Biggest serial killer in the world!
Get a grip man....
English is your mother tongue, isn't it? Go back and read my first post. PenneyPittstop was the one who started with her negative comments towards me. Shall I repost what she wrote?
pennypitstop said lol at knowledge ...
"you truly are niave lol. Don't ever kid yourself that Qatar does not have all that the West has or the negatives of other 'Gulf' countries or indeed your country.
They are just as bad. If you want drugs, you can find them in Qatar, if you want prostitutes, find them in Qatar. Seen locals in the Ramada drinking.
Give it up lads, you say you hate us, but you are educated in the West and then copy us.
What is it to be?
Hate us or go with us?"
Is this not clear enough English for you to understand who started the "West" issue? Maybe you and Penney are a tagged team or the same person. So you purposely failed to see that it was she who started this and you jumped on her caravan. Say whatever you want Dora. Just be prepared for responses.
"Btw on the comment about Qatar not having any serial killers, I think you have to take into account that the whole country of Qatar is smaller than most cities in other countries. I think you will find that having serial killers is not a result of the country, but more of the population count."
I disagree. We have a huge population of Muslims in Saudi and Afghanistan and there are no serial killers there. I think it has to do with morality of the people.
Dubai finally to turn Arabic Muslim City, whoever wants to have "fun", he needs to do at at private compound, top buildings, nite clubs...
For upset people, they can just go back to their country and have " FUN " , maybe the slary is "different" but they will be in their country ...
Abu Dhabi takes control of Dubai after controlling up to 50 % of struggled DxB CO.s
Hopefull Dubai hptel prices will drop, flight tockets as well , yupii
Boycott Israel Campaign
I'm a robot made in Dubai, I obey only signal commands from my masters remote control. While he holds hands, beats his wife and abuses maids. Let us not forget his suicidal driving habits.
I have no logic at all, for religious morality. i want to be sold off to the british, at least I COULD DANCE WITH AN UMBRELLA DURING THE summer OLYMPICS.
If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- George Carlin
Is sneezing permitted? sheesh
I'm curious about how many people actually want all these rules. Obviously there must be people out there who support all these laws and the enforcement of them or they wouldn't have created them. Do any of you guys know anyone? Surely everyone in the world would not support the rule not to laugh loudly....?
Btw on the comment about Qatar not having any serial killers, I think you have to take into account that the whole country of Qatar is smaller than most cities in other countries. I think you will find that having serial killers is not a result of the country, but more of the population count.
knowledge (?) this is a public forum so I can add what I like and YOU are no way innocent of hijacking either and it was YOU that mentioned Islam and the West...remember??
I refuse to be a patriotic fool to any country. I take the good and leave the bad from all countries. What's so strange about defending Qatar against western countries whether it be UK or Canada? I'm not the one who hijacked this thread in order to try to turn this into Islam vs The West. I was simply responding to comments directed towards me. And then you come out of nowhere and try to add fuel to the fire.
Is the Taliban ruling in Dubai or the Saudis?
If God dropped acid, would he see people? -- George Carlin
knowledge, I just think its strange talk coming from a 'westerner'.....
I didn't think what I said was harsh. If anything, I think your friend was trying to provoke me. "You guys" was in reference to Penny's comment:
"Give it up lads, you say you hate us, but you are educated in the West and then copy us."
Rather harsh I thought and unprovoked! so you are western then being who are 'you guys'??
I agree that Canada has serial killers,too. But the issue was not about Canada. I was defending myself against your buddy Penny's comments about crime in Qatar.
you say in your profile you are Canadian...I can think of a few serial killers you have there and Canadians tend to be Western, unless you one of these people that collects western passports for a living.....
No...I'm not sleepy. Let's play house. You be the door and I'll slam u...LOL
knowledge....go to bed,love, its late......
No Penny...I'm not naive, you're mistaken. Yes Qatar does have its share of crimes and filth here. But not to the degree that your country has. At least we don't have serial killers here.
Only the misguided youths copy you guys.
We don't hate you...we just hate it when you attack Islam and try to impose your misguided way of life on us.
you truly are niave lol. Don't ever kid yourself that Qatar does not have all that the West has or the negatives of other 'Gulf' countries or indeed your country.
They are just as bad. If you want drugs, you can find them in Qatar, if you want prostitutes, find them in Qatar. Seen locals in the Ramada drinking.
Give it up lads, you say you hate us, but you are educated in the West and then copy us.
What is it to be?
Hate us or go with us?
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
according to the list, the following is allowed:
1. Gays and Lesbians can hold hands and kiss. As long as it is within the same gender.
2. Negotiating and picking up a hooker is not a problem
Good luck Dubai residents and visitors
Dora...I'm aware of that...if the laws are enforced, then they are trying to stop people from holding hands in public with an exception of married couples.
that happens in Dubai too darlin!
It's about time Dubai starts cleaning up its city. Time to pack up my bags and get movin' to Dubai. I wish Qatar would apply some of the same laws here. I'm sick of looking at these homos...putting their arms around each other and holding each other's pinkies.
i cant go to ikea dxb anymore in
Bring back the old days of muslin tradition/culture. bravo dubai.
With the global ressesion, in one year nobody will stay in Dubai.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Even prisons are better :P
I've just read that, its nothing new from what we knew already! The document doesn't have a date on it though!
no laughing? unbelievable... :(
What about Farting?
Without imagination their is nothing!
No like the kind of place I want to visit.
With these kind of rules , who will want to visit Dubai?
Without imagination their is nothing!
I don't know what Dubai is so worried about.
As it is there are hardly any tourists, and most of the ex-pats are packing their bags anyway.
Storm in a tea cup if you ask me.
Hey, well they can't have it both ways. They can't enforce Islamic rules and expect to be a tourist hub at the same time. People go to places to have fun, with all these restrictions, how can they have a good time for fear of being jailed and deported.
is what it would appear too be doing..Just like Sharjah did....
If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger
I think it is the right time to check where Dubai is going.. When they were promoting Dubai as a Tourist and Real State hub of the middleast and attracting European investors and visitors they should have thought about that then.. Anyway it is not too late to late to do a reality check on itself and ask itself what does Dubai really want.
Dubai after all is an Islamist country or is not?
Spreading or circulating false roomers, news’s or jokes that harasses public security, peacefulness and health will be punishable.
Dubai has become the new North Korea....
"Whistling, Loud conversations and laughter should be avoided." WTF?? no laughing? LOOOOOOL guess now the only answer is that everyone carry laptops, or any other devices and start talking to each other. Dubai is going to be a silent zone from now on. A husband is going to be scared to hold his wife's hand and might have to carry his marriage certificate around like his driving license with his photo attached to it. No one is going to click pictures anymore for fear of being caught and thrown in jail. There goes all the blonde jokes anyone gets on their mobiles as it will be termed as a JOKE and spreading rumors about blonde's in general. If i was in dubai i'd be scared to adjust my specs as i always seem to do it with my middle finger and that might be termed as offensive hand gesture. You will go to the hotel for a drink, and sleep there only or you will carry your very own personal sober driver along.
Indeed i love the new rules..bravo Dubai :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Under the Article “Behavior Between Sexes”, the list strictly prohibits several actions in public such as: any kind of; kissing, cuddling, fondling, sexual harassing, harassment of women, hand holding or any other act that can be considered as abrasion of modesty. Any individual who conduct such act will in violation to Public Decency which can be penalized with imprisonment and ejection.
Only married couples are permitted to hold hands in decent ways that does not harass public civility.
Nice, hand holding ruled out too.....poor teenage couples :P