This country has not much to live for for the rest of your life with your family at present. Not even places to visit. Weather ain't good. There's no historical integrity. People spend more on worthless things. Arabs'll still treat you badly. Master-slave mentality will still sink all the achievements Qatar has to offer for world recognition even if they can spend plenty for development. By the time Qatar is well-developed, I'm probably dead at that time with my grandchildren all grown up and married.
In spite of a very rich country like Qatar, nobody beats back home in spite of its lesser commodities. My place has had historical preservation for centuries and plants and trees everywhere. Seeing Qatar only made me love my country even more.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
This country has not much to live for for the rest of your life with your family at present. Not even places to visit. Weather ain't good. There's no historical integrity. People spend more on worthless things. Arabs'll still treat you badly. Master-slave mentality will still sink all the achievements Qatar has to offer for world recognition even if they can spend plenty for development. By the time Qatar is well-developed, I'm probably dead at that time with my grandchildren all grown up and married.
In spite of a very rich country like Qatar, nobody beats back home in spite of its lesser commodities. My place has had historical preservation for centuries and plants and trees everywhere. Seeing Qatar only made me love my country even more.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach