being a christian... I must admit, I first had a lot of atheist thoughts...

being raised to beleive not to think,

to answer the question "does God exist" by "if not, how do you explain life? how do you explain the universe"

was not enough to convince me... at 22, I clearly declared that I am an athiest and that we create our own religion as a way to avoid death, and to create immortality and to answer questions. I read books of different faiths and it made me even more convinced that religion IS created.

what convinced me is the following:

1- the historic evidence of the bible, the prophecies (hundreds of years before) about the coming of Christ and the exact calculations that match the dates... unbeleivable... plus the scientific and historical evidence that Christ lived and existed.

2- the future prophecies about the end of the world and how it is EXACTLY EXACTLY matching our presence and predicted future path.

I am a scientific person... and it took me to read many many books to get convinced.. it took me dates, numbers, political, geographical historical happenings...

3- having seen people possessed by demons... on national Geographic channel... on pure wscientific documentaries...if demons exist, why not a God???

4- a very personal experience: I got clear message about it. be it unbeleivable un-imaginable coincidences and circomstances that happened to me that made me realize that not only there is an absolute God but that there is a God who is very much alive and caring for my soul. I.e.? I lose my child in City Center, and just when I found him and rushed back to the car, all shaking and crying, I opened the car radio I hear a verse saying " the mother forgets her child, but I won't forget you". It wasn't a day dream, my housemaid heard it. it was simple, a tape that a friend gave me that I put and forgot in the radio cassette... coincidence? this is only one out of a hundred... converting an athiest isn't a piece of cake!! :)

5- Just by reading all my wholy book and some books explaining it.

So now, I join real Christians and real muslims to vote for the existence of a one God that is alive, perfect, pure, and personally caring for each single human being on earth.