It's all well and good complaining about the little brats that spit onto the ice rink and pull faces out of car windows, but in this case there was a life involved. OK so it may only have been a puppy, but it is still a life. What will they have done when they got bored of it? They won't have found it a nice new home....

If anyone sees something like this PLEASE get involved. Go down and talk to them, shout at them, ask them to give you the dog. Anything to let them know what they are doing is unacceptable. We are always full at the shelter but in a situation like this we will find space for it - even if it's a temporary holding area until a kennel is free.

If you don't want to get involved yourself - call us at QAWS. I will quite happily tell them exactly what I think of them down the phone :D and come and collect the pup.

Sorry if I sound harsh but I get calls all the time from people telling me about incidents that happened a couple of days ago - how am I supposed to help? Who knows what happens to the animals. Hopefully they will have got bored and thrown it on the street - at least then it has a chance of getting to us!!