there are always difference of opinions and views; but We could not respect and honor all.

We all know that in our own conscience and to the best of our knowledge and understanding that there are something which are Right and something which are Wrong; Freedom to follow any route is fine, which should have defined rules.

Excessive freedom leads to misuse of freedom given to a group of people, where there is no personal, social accountability and responsibility. Remember delegation of Authority should be given with proper accountability.

It is the job of the State should ensure to provide opportunities to Its PEOPLE for creation of a free and fair society with clear guidance about do's and don't.

Being an educated modern society, they need to understand the purpose and objective of their life, identify their strength and weaknesses. Use the power of youth and their energy into the developement and progress of the nation.

Provide proper education to their people for the establishment of stable, moral, modern amd social community. These would definitely help their brains to work in the right directions and provide strong belief, confidence and understanding to analyse accurately What is Right & What is Wrong?