humzafar, today you cannot survive in the business world if you don’t know how to open MS Word and how to save a document. You cannot send an e-mail. My suggestion is to go and to take a course. What's wrong with taking a course?? It is FREE from Microsoft. Also, she didn’t ask me to teach her how to prepare and to send the e-mail. She asked me to WRITE THE E-MAIL for her, and to send it to her so that she only could forward it! See the difference?
Rav05, if you read my posts, you could see,I do not refuse to help her! As a matter of fact that’s what I have been doing all the time: helping her and doing the job for her anyway. I didn’t mind! What I mind is when one walks in to your office and makes it as a rule, that from now on you will do all his/her job, and IN SECRET. See the difference? Now. Neither I am her manager, nor she mine. And by the way we ARE good friends. But again, even with my best friend, I find it WRONG. You want to learn? No problem. I can help you. And again, for the 10th time, that’s what I have been doing! But you cannot take it for granted and to go further with putting ALL your job on my shoulders, IN SECRET. Understood?
I am always the one who admires this Qatari policy of Qatarization! I find it very smart. But it must be done in a right way! Staff must be trained in the educational institution first, as whole world does! Or why the Company wouldn't hire the trainer for such cases? Some people don’t like to go to school. Fine! Hire them, and hire a coach for them. Rav05,tell me also WHEN I have to TRAIN her from the scratch, if I am busy from the very first second at the office, and I often stay for extra hours? AGAIN. You have to agree that there is a difference between help (prompts) and full training. Help/prompts take few minutes a day, and nothing wrong with that! I am doing MUCH MORE THAN THAT NOW!!! Full training takes few month of full-time study. Who can provide this study at the work place but INSTRUCTOR? I cannot do it during my work hours. After work hours you can find only ME at the office… and may be another couple of guys. I am WILLING to teach now, but whom to teach? Everybody flew away 1 second before the work day is over... got it?
But the main idea is.. the one who WANTS to LEARN, is seeking help and training. The one who don’t want to learn is seeking somebody who would do a job for him/her. SEE THE DIFFERENCE?
By the way, my initial question was NOT "would you help her/teach her?" My question was : WOULD YOU KEEP IT IN SECRET? So don't twist things guys. i don't ask would you help her or not. I DO help her and i DO a job for her, and we ARE friends. But for her sake, as my friend, or even my sister or even my Mother..., it is better for her to start LEARNING rather than seeking someone who could do all her job (IN SECRET!). Correct me if i am wrong!

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry