Apple, no one started with experience. But most of us started with at least a basic education, and desire to succeed.
And I highlighted earlier, that this is not the first time that i am doing her job. as i said, I was doing this part of job before she joint the company. She was hired to take this part of work from me, as i am really overloaded with the job lately. Now it turned out that i am not only still doing her job, but also have to teach her? She needs to be taught from the very BASIC! She doesn't know how to prepare the simple table in Excel. She actually has no any idea about Excel at all, and she is a very very beginner with MS Word. Should I start giving her course of MS Office? I can prompt some advanced features, I don’t mind.. But to start teaching her from the scratch? I physically don’t have time for it! That's what the educational institutions for! BTW, Microsoft office in Qatar spends billions (!!) on giving courses to the locals FOR FREE. But why to bother yourself since there is always someone at the office who can do it for you?
This shows her “educational” level.
Another issue is her weak English. Should I start giving her English lessons? No, we make it "easier": i prepare the e-mail for her, send her, and she forwards it to the recipient. But you know, she even doesn't READ these e-mails before sending!
This shows her “desire to learn and to succeed” level.
Once by mistake she sent to somebody my whole e-mail, including few words that i sent to HER personally... Other time, the e-mail that she sent to someone kept coming back, she couldn't understand what the problem is. I figured out that she copied from some e-mail: [mailto: [email protected]] and pasted all of it as it is in the address bar... and kept sending it like that, and kept receiving it back, and couldn't understand what's wrong. Should I teach her sending the e-mails too?? I cannot sit at her desk whole day and perform step-by-step tasks for her.
Again, I would understand, if it’s only lack of experience, but in this case, there is no any education, and no any desire to learn anything whatsoever… One with the lack of experience can always look around at the office what and how others are doing, one can always ask for help how better to plan the task, how to better complete it, what strategy to chose, etc. But no one can walk into your office and ask you: would you do my job for me in secret?

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry