naba100, Apple.. I do NOT mind to guide her, to train her, to teach her, to help her... BUT.. WHY I should keep it in SECRET?? This is the question! Why the management shouldn't know that I am (who is getting much less salary than she is) guiding,training, teaching, helping?...
brit, you got my point!WHY in secret?
notfromhere, i wish, we could exchange by cheques with this lady at the end of the month :)
again, I don't mind to help, and i actually keep doing it from her first day at the office.. basically I was doing her job before she joint the office, and i AM still doing about 80% of her job indirectly..
once the Boss asked her to do something, she was unable to do it so he asked me "to help her".. i ended up with starting and finishing the whole task. and it is happaning all the time...But at least they know who is doing the job...
BUT to come to my office and to ask stright: would you do my job IN SECRET???

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry