Last two Verses...

1.'Faman Yahmal Miskaala Zarrathin khairen yara..'
Which means..
He who has performed the tiniest good deed in the world will see its reward on that day.

2.'Vaman Yahmal Miskaala Zarrathin Sharran Yara..'
Which means..
He who is guilty of evil, disbelief and disobedience, will see its reward that day. None will be in
the slightest way wronged. The only exception is if a doer of wrong is saved by intercession, if he
qualified for it. Or if a doer of a good is disqualified from receiving the reward of that good by
the weight of his evil deeds, i.e. his evil deeds annul his good ones.

In those two verses, i could not find what Mehek says..
"Do whatever you do just for Allah and that he may be pleased with us!"

These are the things where people takes advantage of..
When Allah subuhana says 'Good Deeds', they make it as 'What ever'.. This is what terrorist says.. We kill people for the sake of Allah ! People take things differently..