You hit the nail on the head ummjake... it isnt permitted and the rulings and hadiths on this are not weak.
You can expose your bits is neccesary (like when you go to the Dr. and then some women even insist that they use a mirror to look down under) but a Brazilian wax doesnt fall into that category, unless perhaps you are too pudgy to actually reach it yourself.
Plastic surgery is not permitted either, unless it is reconstructive or corrective. There is a little debate on if it is OK to have surgery to put things back where they once were (tummy tuck, breast lifts) but a majority have agreed that this is a natural process intended by Allah as we age.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
You hit the nail on the head ummjake... it isnt permitted and the rulings and hadiths on this are not weak.
You can expose your bits is neccesary (like when you go to the Dr. and then some women even insist that they use a mirror to look down under) but a Brazilian wax doesnt fall into that category, unless perhaps you are too pudgy to actually reach it yourself.
Plastic surgery is not permitted either, unless it is reconstructive or corrective. There is a little debate on if it is OK to have surgery to put things back where they once were (tummy tuck, breast lifts) but a majority have agreed that this is a natural process intended by Allah as we age.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"