its a severe matter and i dn at all understand that many of todayz women and girlz who are muslim says that islam give them freedom......
and it is so that you are free... you are free to do anything exept to show your body parts...... going in malls with tight jeans and now there wear fitted abayas... and then they say that we have weared closed covered our bodies... but they knw that its is also restricted to wear clothes which show the measurements of bodies not even for women but also for men... still they say why only women are ristricted in islam and blame men and ulamas who stop thm...
but they dont think at it that who is stoping them from freedom? no one!!! just they are stopped by showing of thier bodies and it is in QURAN... a women shud not show even a single strip of their hairs to strangers.. and it cant be denied...
so I humbly request these stupid ladies that if u dont understand and follow the orders of ALLAH so u shud leave Islam and dont destroy ISLAM'S respect....
its a severe matter and i dn at all understand that many of todayz women and girlz who are muslim says that islam give them freedom......
and it is so that you are free... you are free to do anything exept to show your body parts...... going in malls with tight jeans and now there wear fitted abayas... and then they say that we have weared closed covered our bodies... but they knw that its is also restricted to wear clothes which show the measurements of bodies not even for women but also for men... still they say why only women are ristricted in islam and blame men and ulamas who stop thm...
but they dont think at it that who is stoping them from freedom? no one!!! just they are stopped by showing of thier bodies and it is in QURAN... a women shud not show even a single strip of their hairs to strangers.. and it cant be denied...
so I humbly request these stupid ladies that if u dont understand and follow the orders of ALLAH so u shud leave Islam and dont destroy ISLAM'S respect....