The term modern is used for the up and coming generation, which have seemed to stray from their deen. The fundamentals of Islam are the grounds for the religion and are not up for debate.

Unfortunatly the interpretations of Islam are what deem it as moderate, fundamentalist etc. and there are conflicting views from the Mezhabs regarding various issues (i.e covering the face). Some scholars will tell you that TV is haram, some will tell you that it is not the TV but the programs etc. A person who may deem television completely haram will be classified as a fundamentalist whereas one who will say childrens television, documentaries etc are ok but western movies etc are not is moderate.... I dont think I have to go further bstmom I think you already get the jist.

There are indeed varying degrees of religious zeal, but no one will ever know the intention or what is truely in the heart. _____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"