Thanx all for taking time out & replying & suggesting remedies. I am, ofcourse, taking note of all these to avoid further complex situation. Yesterday after 5:00p.m I went to Muntaza again & saw one doctor & described to her all the situation that I wrote here too. After hearing all this & examining me she said ' Whos is that Stuuuuupid doctor who said you cannot take anitbiotics or medicines during pregnancy ', it was very funny, I didnt name anyone but simply listened to her. She said that the infection of tonsilitis has spread & its showing underneath your lips & inside the cheeks. She suggested few medications which she said are pregnancy safe:

1. Amoxicillin - Antibiotics (after every 8 hours)
2. B-Complex (once daily)
3. Kenalog for blisters (twice daily)
4. Panadol (twice daily)
5. Oraxine - Mouth Wash (twice daily)

I have started using these all because, this infection has made me slightly feverish which they cannot detect with the thermometer & it has started to produce foul smell also from the mouth which is very embarrasing for me as I am used to brush thrice or twice daily (depends upon the time). I hope I get well soon & hope to have a healthy child in future.

Regarding this blood sugar level, they checked previously & the related tests & claimed them to be normal.

CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Glitter Words