woooooooooow hahahahahahaha hehehehehehe ohohoh, lol lmao that’s really funny, i can't stop laughing, Egyptian people are really stupid, they cant even speak English......... considering the thread poster, an Indian guy who says that his job is “milking camels” whatever that means, yea man you are freakin funny, allow me to post another one.

Indian 1:I saw Dat pair of shoes last monT in some stoW, and I Vas really confused about Vich color should I get, black or Vhite?
Indian 2:my friend get boT of Dem.

I know its not a joke, but man I don’t need to tell a joke, the way Indian people talk is already funny……… don’t you think so?
If you find that insulting you now know how I felt when I saw that thread,

Now its your turn people to comment on my post, you can choose of this responses:
1-if you cant take a joke go to the politics threads.
2-Don’t take it so seriously man.
3-You are being raciest here.
4-This is an old thread and its not fair to comment on it now.
5-Sure if you have any other ones you are most welcome to get back at me with it………
I just saw this thread now and I’m not gonna comment again so don’t expect me to answer.
I saw something I didn’t like and I said what I had in mind.