The lecture started out being about how to but aside our own personal feelings on subjects and debate a topic on ethics from a true ethical point of view, the lecturer then asked us to pick the subjects that were most emotive to people and needless to say both Euthanasia and Abortion were the top two and then asked us to argument for and against as ethically as possible, pretty much all of us failed to debate both topics as most of us mixed our own personal issues into the subjects, so the lecturer changed tact and asked those of us that had, had a personal experience involving either of those topics to stand up and recount it and he did. What we learn from the lesson was as I stated before. Not really an ethical one but then again not all things can be solved with ethics.

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger