No one is forcing here, rather learn to respect a religion. Learn to respect the country which you are in. We are not creating threads even presenting some bad facts which other scriptures or religion contain.

"There is no compulsion in religion, truth stands clear out from error" Quran 2:256

And we are not here to shut down the site, in that case we have to shut down tons n tons of sites which do the same thing all over the globe. :)

What is the use of living a life like animals,merely drink eat wonder work money eat shelter..?? what is the purpose of life.?? did u think.. all a sudden dap dap the death will strike u..!! and then wat?? willu take all ur wealth u earn all ur loved ones u will leave behind.. No matter whether u be rich u be poor, u are king or a pauper.. u will be eaten one day by the worms and insects. Wake up n reason why the damn are we here in this world.

Verily Islam is the truth. Truth has arrived, false hood perishes.. Falsehood for its nature is bound to perish..