Discussion is not mocking.. freedom of speech is not having fun.. you enquire we are happy to convey u the knowledge..
such questions are already answered www.islam-qa.com u can search.. and if u are non muslim u can clear ur misconceptions by visiting various authentic sites or u can contact me, happy to clear it for u.
Freedom of speech is not by drawing cartoon or as RIzks says bashing on Religion.!
Do u know what is ISlam?? did u ever read the Quran??
Don’t observe followers of a Religion. Refer to Authentic Sources of that Religion
Followers of major religions, whether it be Hinduism, Islam or Christianity, have divided themselves and their beliefs into various sects.
It is not appropriate for one to try to understand a religion by observing the followers of that religion. Most followers may themselves not be aware of the correct teachings of their religion. Thus, the best and the most appropriate method of understanding any religion is to understand the authentic sources of that religion, i.e. the sacred scriptures of that religion.
Discussion is not mocking.. freedom of speech is not having fun.. you enquire we are happy to convey u the knowledge..
such questions are already answered www.islam-qa.com u can search.. and if u are non muslim u can clear ur misconceptions by visiting various authentic sites or u can contact me, happy to clear it for u.
Freedom of speech is not by drawing cartoon or as RIzks says bashing on Religion.!
Do u know what is ISlam?? did u ever read the Quran??
Don’t observe followers of a Religion. Refer to Authentic Sources of that Religion
Followers of major religions, whether it be Hinduism, Islam or Christianity, have divided themselves and their beliefs into various sects.
It is not appropriate for one to try to understand a religion by observing the followers of that religion. Most followers may themselves not be aware of the correct teachings of their religion. Thus, the best and the most appropriate method of understanding any religion is to understand the authentic sources of that religion, i.e. the sacred scriptures of that religion.