Pioneers coming to Qatar? = Indians.. back to spices & exchange pearl. Most had been here in the last 15-20 years.. before Qatar develop rapidly as wonder.. very influential & established.
- very much different in mentality, work attitude, social ethic, education & life background...etc.
- abundant workforce yet little opportunity especially in Kerala states... life has to go on... and here they are..
- same case to "kabayan"..
- Qatar has become international attraction for its wealth.. everybody should adapt & tolerate to the international environment...but sadly to say some are just keeping & practise their old habits & cultures brought from their home country which may not suitable here to others..
- Good values = tolerate, patience, respect, understanding, sincere, smiles, considerate, unselfish..etc..etc..
-Above are some of international standards.. I assume.. thus with all those.. intelligent discussion can be achieved wisdomly.. from all.. hopefully..
Pioneers coming to Qatar? = Indians.. back to spices & exchange pearl. Most had been here in the last 15-20 years.. before Qatar develop rapidly as wonder.. very influential & established.
- very much different in mentality, work attitude, social ethic, education & life background...etc.
- abundant workforce yet little opportunity especially in Kerala states... life has to go on... and here they are..
- same case to "kabayan"..
- Qatar has become international attraction for its wealth.. everybody should adapt & tolerate to the international environment...but sadly to say some are just keeping & practise their old habits & cultures brought from their home country which may not suitable here to others..
- Good values = tolerate, patience, respect, understanding, sincere, smiles, considerate, unselfish..etc..etc..
-Above are some of international standards.. I assume.. thus with all those.. intelligent discussion can be achieved wisdomly.. from all.. hopefully..