I kNEw...THAt's WHY i wanna sTArt sOMETHINg NEW..a New TASte..sO the pEOplE CAn UNdersTAnd...I KNow FIrsT THey wIll IGnoRE BUt sOOn THEY'll lIKE tHAt sCreaM too..coz IT's NOt lIKE aSAme SounD thaT THey aLWAys PLAy ON thEIr caR...So DUDE iF You caN plaY..then LeT'S sTIck.....WHAt dO u saY???????????????
I kNEw...THAt's WHY i wanna sTArt sOMETHINg NEW..a New TASte..sO the pEOplE CAn UNdersTAnd...I KNow FIrsT THey wIll IGnoRE BUt sOOn THEY'll lIKE tHAt sCreaM too..coz IT's NOt lIKE aSAme SounD thaT THey aLWAys PLAy ON thEIr caR...So DUDE iF You caN plaY..then LeT'S sTIck.....WHAt dO u saY???????????????