aNy GUitaRISt, DruMMer n BAsSisT Out hERe IN QATAr..WHo'RE totaLLy DEdiCAted TO MetaL...???????????????...iF thEN whY doN't YOU caLL Me TO + VOCAls.....Ooppppzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i play drums. we used to play alternative/rock. we play linkin park, wheatus, hoobastank, vertical horizon, incubus among others. just pm me if you still needed, let's jam and see what we got.
u KNow..I'vE crIed THOUSaNDs RIvER to cOME ouT From THAt diTCh...BEcaUSe Of dRUgs I losE My EVerYthinG..fROm faMilY tO freiNDS tO BAnd...So I CAn'T Be whaT i usED to bE..nwaY ENJoyED ur fEEdbaCK....
I kNEw...THAt's WHY i wanna sTArt sOMETHINg NEW..a New TASte..sO the pEOplE CAn UNdersTAnd...I KNow FIrsT THey wIll IGnoRE BUt sOOn THEY'll lIKE tHAt sCreaM too..coz IT's NOt lIKE aSAme SounD thaT THey aLWAys PLAy ON thEIr caR...So DUDE iF You caN plaY..then LeT'S sTIck.....WHAt dO u saY???????????????
thaNKS fOR uR oPINion..but I BelIEVe EVen U caN StUCk TO the WooD thEN u caN creaTE A KillINg mETAl sOUNd..aLL we NeED'S jUSt a LIttLe BiT Of faITH..aNd hoNEStly wE CAn sTICk sOMETimE TogETHer...ANd I SWEAr WHen U plaY thaT DinG dONg sOUNd..mY GRowl WOn'T LEt yoU Down...
Is that you in the picture? You look stoned, were you high? Since you look high when you weren't, maybe drugs will have the reverse effect, and you will look normal. :P
actually metals are not so in here in doha due to that nobody can easily appreciate a screamed word singing unless they know what you are playing better try a different genre in music which can be easily understood coz your audience will end up sleepy if they get you. i like music too actually im on to alternative rock, acoustic rock and i listen to some metals bands too like metallica..
...+++++++++++++........MAh KeyBOArd aLSo woRks In MetAl..So IT'S cOMMonNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..cOZZZ..bY thE WAy U'Ve GUItar...??????????????.........++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
...+++...wHy I caN't GEt THe MetaL ouT of mY'S bEEn MOre THAn ONe YEAr I HAd LefT the BAnD..buT StiLL metaL CAlLS Me...DyinG to HOLd THAt RUSTy MIc..N sCReaM thIS LunGS Outtttttttttttttt
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i play drums. we used to play alternative/rock. we play linkin park, wheatus, hoobastank, vertical horizon, incubus among others. just pm me if you still needed, let's jam and see what we got.
check out ur inbox mn, sent u a message, latrz
u KNow..I'vE crIed THOUSaNDs RIvER to cOME ouT From THAt diTCh...BEcaUSe Of dRUgs I losE My EVerYthinG..fROm faMilY tO freiNDS tO BAnd...So I CAn'T Be whaT i usED to bE..nwaY ENJoyED ur fEEdbaCK....
I kNEw...THAt's WHY i wanna sTArt sOMETHINg NEW..a New TASte..sO the pEOplE CAn UNdersTAnd...I KNow FIrsT THey wIll IGnoRE BUt sOOn THEY'll lIKE tHAt sCreaM too..coz IT's NOt lIKE aSAme SounD thaT THey aLWAys PLAy ON thEIr caR...So DUDE iF You caN plaY..then LeT'S sTIck.....WHAt dO u saY???????????????
thaNKS fOR uR oPINion..but I BelIEVe EVen U caN StUCk TO the WooD thEN u caN creaTE A KillINg mETAl sOUNd..aLL we NeED'S jUSt a LIttLe BiT Of faITH..aNd hoNEStly wE CAn sTICk sOMETimE TogETHer...ANd I SWEAr WHen U plaY thaT DinG dONg sOUNd..mY GRowl WOn'T LEt yoU Down...
Is that you in the picture? You look stoned, were you high? Since you look high when you weren't, maybe drugs will have the reverse effect, and you will look normal. :P
actually metals are not so in here in doha due to that nobody can easily appreciate a screamed word singing unless they know what you are playing better try a different genre in music which can be easily understood coz your audience will end up sleepy if they get you. i like music too actually im on to alternative rock, acoustic rock and i listen to some metals bands too like metallica..
i play the bell... does that help???
I dont think u will find anyone dummer here lol, why do u want a dumb guy in metal? how about a smart guy?
Lebanon... the love of my soul!
u KNOW fLutE has A vERy KIlleR SounD....oncE WE TRiED FlUTe IN Our SonG..n IT waS a thUNderOUS dEAl...keep IN touCH....
Yea i play FLUTE ...
...U CAuGHt mE....By THe waY, U plaY AnY..LikE guiTAr..Drums..??
I guess ur typing with ur big junk head instead of fingers...LoL
...oNE of My fINger's sTIll sTUck TO picK....+++++++++++++++++++
...+++++++++++++........MAh KeyBOArd aLSo woRks In MetAl..So IT'S cOMMonNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..cOZZZ..bY thE WAy U'Ve GUItar...??????????????.........++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I believe something is wrong with his fingers. lolz...
by the way, wats wrong with ur Keyboard ?? :(
...+++...wHy I caN't GEt THe MetaL ouT of mY'S bEEn MOre THAn ONe YEAr I HAd LefT the BAnD..buT StiLL metaL CAlLS Me...DyinG to HOLd THAt RUSTy MIc..N sCReaM thIS LunGS Outtttttttttttttt