Here is my point, Instead of just admitting we have a valid issue, some people here are just trying to justify their behavior. And yes you are correct speed, originally I had tried to have an intelligent conversation, but obviously, intelligent people have to be involved! To say that westerns are receiving payback for years of oppression is a racist statement in itself. It also makes me angry that very few people get the point I am trying to get across. Regardless of why people think Indians dominate a particular job set, its still not right. If I were do something wrong and not get caught, doest that make it correct? And personally I have no problems with any nationalities, but I do have an issue with blatant stupidity. Its almost as if no one wants to even try to understand my valid points. And yes, I stand behind my pig statements. Only a pig would destroy another persons chance at survival. Only a pig would seek revenge on an entire group of people "westerners" And for those of you who say that westerners hold the top positions at most companies isn't it obvious why? Obviously Indians and Filipinos are not capable of performing such task because they have a tendency to be quite vindictive as seen her by my thread. Furthermore, even though westerns hold the top positions, we still help and allow other nationalities to apply and to prosper at their jobs. Have you ever in your years in Qatar heard of a Brit or American sabotaging C.Vs?