Wow, to my friend Haddoc,

I think you are the most disgusting individual on the face of the earth. You are exactly what is wrong with society today. I would respect you more if u would just be honest about the situation. Instead you choose to be an ignoramus with only the most ubsurd things to say. Just so My fellow QL'ers know I plan to bring this story to the local newspaper. I was trying to keep this civil but I see that type of treatment only works for people like Brit, Meaningful and Alexa who are willing to be honest about the situation. You guys really make me sick. You try to justify your racism by saying you work hard? Here is the truth.. You guys are nothing but cheap labor. The only reason you people even have a job here is because of the fact that companies need to turn a profit to exist. Thank you for your help cuteydog. Haddoc, how dare you criticize the British for trying to bring order to a country of savages. Yes it is true that the British were guilty of some injustices . However, the British essentially civilized India and you should be grateful.