Instead of complaining, y dont you analyse and see about who holds the top managerial positions. Indians, Pilipinos, Nepalis , Babgladeshi are never in managers or Generals managers. Why are these given 2nd positons.
Dear Supernurse, not only Indians and Philipinos but even the western community like to stay together. Heard of this Birds of Feather Flock Together.
Yes, be it east or be it west racism is everywhere.
Person should be judged on his behaviour,his manners,his thinking,his education, his capabilities nd not where he hails from.
Instead of complaining, y dont you analyse and see about who holds the top managerial positions. Indians, Pilipinos, Nepalis , Babgladeshi are never in managers or Generals managers. Why are these given 2nd positons.
Dear Supernurse, not only Indians and Philipinos but even the western community like to stay together. Heard of this Birds of Feather Flock Together.
Yes, be it east or be it west racism is everywhere.
Person should be judged on his behaviour,his manners,his thinking,his education, his capabilities nd not where he hails from.