I'm stuck in Qatar without my family this Christmas and determined to ensure that this doesn't happen again next year!
/Quite a number of people are surprised that I actually came back this morning. Lol! Jet lagged and blur but back at work...and running on double espresso(s). Is there such a thing as quad espresso? I need more koffeeee...
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
I'm stuck in Qatar without my family this Christmas and determined to ensure that this doesn't happen again next year!
/Quite a number of people are surprised that I actually came back this morning. Lol! Jet lagged and blur but back at work...and running on double espresso(s). Is there such a thing as quad espresso? I need more koffeeee...
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama