We are not here to justify the "Terror attacks on Mumbai" due to following reasons
1) Indian muslims contribution towards independence was not totally ignored in Indian History and has very little reference what today's history books; which are taught in schools. it is quite obvious because Indian feels that muslims have got their own share "PAKISTAN" by partion of India and treat today's indian muslims badly in India to let them go to the country where they are supposed to be! No doubt, which is wrong.

I read in Indian history books about Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and fully agreed on this point.

2) NO religion teach hatred & violence.

3) There are only few anti-social elements and radicals in each society and community; which creates terrorism and chaos; we need to fight against them rather than blaming the whole community or nation but this is possible with extensive support of the affected Governments and when India and Pakistan could fight togather to achieve Common Goals with firm determination.

Query from Truth amd my humble answers:
1. Why western intelligence are involving in Mumbai terror attacks investigations (USA/UK/Isreal)?

VB: Firstly, US, UK and Israel nationals been killed in Mumbai attacks. Secondly, Pakistan never believes in whatever India claims. if you don't believe me watch Pakistan media (certain clips www.timesofindia.com); where they clearly denying the facts and putting all blames on India's internal sabotage and all these terrorists were Indians; Can anybody believe in such non-sensible claims?
Further, these third party investigation agencies could make this an International Issue and put pressure on Pakistan to support India to Fight against Terrorism jointly. For e.g. several times, all evidence including addresses of "Dawood" and 20 other terrorists been given to Pak govt; even today Pak officials denying that India has never given any proof and further Dawood is not in Pakistan. Can anybody believe this?

2. India is not capable of doing these?
VB: The whole world knows what India is capable of? I feel I answered above and won't like to blow my own trumpets.

The subject of this FORUM asking "What Next" while people justifying the ATTACK on innocent people by comparing attrocities on Kashmiri and other part of India.

Felt really sorry for u guys/gals, I don't agree and will never agree to retaliate in similar way....both the sides are innocent humans trapped due to cetain radical idelogies and mentality.

My humble and sincere request to all Qatar residents from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Qataris, Europeans and all who have some concern over these issues should not get influenced and get carried away by media, one need to study more and understand the historical events (NAJAMSS is one of them) very carefully, seek love, peace and Harmony for our family, neighbors, friends, whole community, nation and whole world.

Feel Pride to be Human; the most powerful creature on Earth.

To ALL QL'ers: Please read all my comments on similar forum; I always COMMENT THAT WE D'ONT WANT ANY MORE WARS;
THE ISLAMIC JEHAD IS BEEN TOTALLY MISINPRETED BY THIS TERROR GROUPS TO MISLEAD YOUNG MINDS AND HEARTS. What we want is PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY on this Planet; which is the TRUE meaning of "ISLAM - Submission to God and peace loving"