The Blame Game!

The atrocities in Mumbai have highlighted the tensions and the mistrust between India and Pakistan.
Two nations, who always blame each other if anything happens on their territory. Raw is causing problems in Pakistan and ISI in India.
Neither side is innocent and yet, politicians play on people's emotions and lay the blame to sidestep their own inaddequecies.
So! If we treat the massacre in Mumbai as a watershed for relations between the two countries, HOW DO THEY MOVE FORWARD ??
Is war the only resort ?? (Politicians will survive and innocents will die as usual)
If it's a fight against india and pakistan, why the terrorist are asking who are british and american inside the hotel?
Let there be peace on earth.
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well done!!!!!!!!!!!! i like ur comment n waiting for WINN ,NARAIN BABU AND SONIA comments
sorry friends but why is HIV spreading so fast in the powerful Indian economy? check out the stats anywhere on the internet.
Not a dream, you please see by your own eyes the fact ..... un-countable Indians working abroad, & every body feel sorry for their so-called strong economy which is completely failed to accomodate them......
About submissive behavior......I don't want to say something should know about's fact as well.....
Shared accomodations even a small flat......reflects on the poor status of living......
Yes IQ level, please entertain yourself with your mischevious security forces
Yes T.V. Serials & Movies are good but for nothing
lol Qureshi.. you are such a p-brain..
Dont even compare those two economies? where did you read its China and Pakistan which are the future economic powers?? lol..
go get a life bro.
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
Dream on Qureshi...n tell me what you find when you wake up!
Submissive behavior: You mean we dont go to another country n then cry saying that they dont respect our culture, they have to change their practises(instead of us adapting to their culture?)
Yeah... indians sharing apartments are common all over the globe, so is Indians owning/running the biggest corporations in the world.
IQ level and terrorists are two words you can not bring into one sentence. Btw, do tell me what you understand by IQ...wud be entertaining!
TV serials and Movies!!...says a lot about ur own IQ, m7y dear sir!
First of all........please note that, The world largest failed economy is of India, as it cannot accomodate it's own people (have Manufacturing Industies....which Pakistan don't have)........millions of Indians are working abroad at the cheaper salary than any other nationality....with a most submissive behavior.......8 Indian living in a single shared room is very common all over the Globe.Indian familes share even Two Bedroom Apartment.
Your Security Forces are not capable to perform their duty......IQ Level of terrorist was much higher than that of Security forces.
Although, I admit that Indian's IQ Level, High Mentality, Game Planning, High Living Standard, Well-dressed personalities & Beauty is shown only on T.V. Serials & movies.
its a public forum, everybody has the right to put comments...
If you cannot justify your point then please refrain from commenting on threads that are not related to you or none of your concern.
Bye Bye and see ya in the next edition of Star Wars!
3000 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
Rayyz and Victor Bhatt: Pakistan is not my country and I am not defending it. I raised my concern out of principle in my previous post. What you are doing is nothing but inticing hatred. You seem to have the ultimate authority and understanding over the political matters of the region. I feel sorry for such self-conceited people. The thread is all yours. Enjoy.
Well, war wont solve anything is what I believe. That said, I do believe that hit squads need to be sent (doesnt matter whether they are Indian, Pak or join venture) to wipe out terrorist camps and their key operatives no matter where they are.
Pak and India will play the blame game. Media will have a field day. TRP of news channels will go up. Diplomacy will prevail as Pakistan says it will find and sentence the terrorists responsible for this. (Which, ofcourse, will never happen). India will go along with that and wait all the while terrorists plan another attack. BJP will win more votes in the next election and might come to power.
We are not here to justify the "Terror attacks on Mumbai" due to following reasons
1) Indian muslims contribution towards independence was not totally ignored in Indian History and has very little reference what today's history books; which are taught in schools. it is quite obvious because Indian feels that muslims have got their own share "PAKISTAN" by partion of India and treat today's indian muslims badly in India to let them go to the country where they are supposed to be! No doubt, which is wrong.
I read in Indian history books about Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and fully agreed on this point.
2) NO religion teach hatred & violence.
3) There are only few anti-social elements and radicals in each society and community; which creates terrorism and chaos; we need to fight against them rather than blaming the whole community or nation but this is possible with extensive support of the affected Governments and when India and Pakistan could fight togather to achieve Common Goals with firm determination.
Query from Truth amd my humble answers:
1. Why western intelligence are involving in Mumbai terror attacks investigations (USA/UK/Isreal)?
VB: Firstly, US, UK and Israel nationals been killed in Mumbai attacks. Secondly, Pakistan never believes in whatever India claims. if you don't believe me watch Pakistan media (certain clips; where they clearly denying the facts and putting all blames on India's internal sabotage and all these terrorists were Indians; Can anybody believe in such non-sensible claims?
Further, these third party investigation agencies could make this an International Issue and put pressure on Pakistan to support India to Fight against Terrorism jointly. For e.g. several times, all evidence including addresses of "Dawood" and 20 other terrorists been given to Pak govt; even today Pak officials denying that India has never given any proof and further Dawood is not in Pakistan. Can anybody believe this?
2. India is not capable of doing these?
VB: The whole world knows what India is capable of? I feel I answered above and won't like to blow my own trumpets.
The subject of this FORUM asking "What Next" while people justifying the ATTACK on innocent people by comparing attrocities on Kashmiri and other part of India.
Felt really sorry for u guys/gals, I don't agree and will never agree to retaliate in similar way....both the sides are innocent humans trapped due to cetain radical idelogies and mentality.
My humble and sincere request to all Qatar residents from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Qataris, Europeans and all who have some concern over these issues should not get influenced and get carried away by media, one need to study more and understand the historical events (NAJAMSS is one of them) very carefully, seek love, peace and Harmony for our family, neighbors, friends, whole community, nation and whole world.
Feel Pride to be Human; the most powerful creature on Earth.
To ALL QL'ers: Please read all my comments on similar forum; I always COMMENT THAT WE D'ONT WANT ANY MORE WARS;
THE ISLAMIC JEHAD IS BEEN TOTALLY MISINPRETED BY THIS TERROR GROUPS TO MISLEAD YOUNG MINDS AND HEARTS. What we want is PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY on this Planet; which is the TRUE meaning of "ISLAM - Submission to God and peace loving"
You had some healthy discussion with some intellectual Indians I have sreious doubt about the intellectual level of both parties.........after seeing this comment "I also heard Kerala wanted to make a country out of their own."
Someonenew....One of my pakistani friend said 9/11 planned and executed by GW Bush to inavade Afganistan & Iraq..Your comment is also very similar to this
I was watching a discussion on Youtube on a pretty amaterish Pakistani channel with a guy named Zaid Hamid. He seems to be self proclaimed "Defence Analyst". He still supports conspiracy theories of 9/11 incident in the US and also goes on to say that Mumbai terror attacks were India's own doing. Could someone wake him up from sleep please! He goes on to the extent of saying that the guy who was captured is not Kasab but his real name is Amar Singh. Apparently his own men in Indian intelligence have informed him about that. How stupid of him to go on air and declare that his men are operating within the Indian intelligence. LOL
Check it out:
Yoda : If Pakistan isn't a failed state then I don't really know what is the definition of a failed state? Their lands are being used like prostitutes by anyone and everyone as breeding ground for the militants. They are in worst possible stage, whether economically or politically. Pakistani Rupee has fallen so low that it is far below than even Bangladeshi Taka! Their cricketers are earning money by playing in India so are their actors and musicians by acting on Indian tellies. I don't really wanna talk big about India, but with political actions and America's interest in India alone should be a good reference for you to understand where India stands. A comparison between India and Pakistan is totally out of question!
3000 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
Heero, you've never seen missles created coz up until now none have gone up your azz... it will soon if you continue with your ignorance...
Please stop to pour your ignorance about india here. It is not mandatory to comment on every aspects under the sun..
and the joke of the day
"There will never be a big war on any Hindustan states...because they cannot. Hindustan is not capable of a major war by its own because up until now I never see missiles created from their land. "
...anyhow that there won't be any war either. If there were wars, it's only minor rebels by activists and such. There will never be a big war on any Hindustan states...because they cannot. Hindustan is not capable of a major war by its own because up until now I never see missiles created from their land. Actually India is proud they got US ties on the nuclear deal, but after talks, nothing happens.
To tell you the truth, it only takes a British colonization to unite Hindustan. When they left the country, Hindustan is on their own. You cannot blame the British for the separations. It was choice. Each other's choice. Even if Gandhi wasn't assassinated the separation will continue because Gandhi still doesn't have the power...and won't want that govern all Hindustan. He's happy with the string-making.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
heero i am impressed by your information...
...even in cricket matches.
If I remember correctly, even in some of the 'states' in India, they also wanted to separate each other and build their own nation.
I don't want to believe this, but I think there's a common mentality of pride for each other according to their own language, and they got more than hundreds of languages in their country. First, Pakistan, then Bangladesh. Ceylon was a different issue. Jannu and Kashmir almost had it but it had no certain strength to make one country on their own. I also heard Kerala wanted to make a country out of their own.
I had two different conversations with Indians of 2 states. One Keralite said Malayalam should be the common language of India, while a Maharastran (from Mumbai itself) already knew that Hindi is the common language according to the law. See how one thinks about a matter?
Just my thought, ok? I just had a healthy conversation with some intellectual Indians about their history and culture, and I'm just trying to find out the root of such problems from it.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
IMHO, Indians still believe that we ie Brits caused the problem in the region in 1947 by dividing the country. I think they need to get over it and respect the independence of their neighbour country.
Rayyz's claim that Pak is a failed economy is rather naive and offensive. Both countries have corrupt govts and bureaucracies and that needs to be fixed. Having said that it is not a matter of now/today/tomorrow, it may take a couple of generations. But inticing hatred against each other and passing it onto the next generation needs to be stopped.
I know this is an impossibility. Whether anyone uses force would be catastrophic with both having nuclear arsenal. The problem with these two countries can be compared to some extent to Israel and Palestine where no one wants to listen. Each one is proud to listen to the other. Your second point would be possible but only with the next generation...we would be in our old age when this happens.
The source of the problem between India and Pakistaan is Kashmir. Why do not India and Bangladesh fight each other? Becasue they have nothing to fight over. May be if both countries give away some land on each side to make Kashmir a big enough country so it can self rule itself. That may be a solution. It won't belong to either of them. Problem solved.
Both becoming one is an impossibility, unless India forcefully takes over Pakistan.
The governments of both countries have used Kashmir as a tool to manipulate the people.
Now red herrings like the capture of Dawood Ibrahim is being used to inflame the public.
Let's say that as a starting point, the intelligensia of both countries sign an agreement to share information.
Secondly, the politicians must both take an undertaking to stop accusing each other of infiltration and involvement.
Is that a start ??
He said : What if they(India and Pakistaan) become friends like me and my classmate at school. I said what you mean. He said: Well they can become one country instead of being two since they were one before.( By the way my son 8 yrs old knows quite a bit about some countries histories).
Guys, he's got a point though however silly this may sound. Can this happen? Let's say, no one vote no one at the election. They poeple boycott their government in both countries and demand that they join together as one single country. This will resolve the Kashmir issue. I just, in my wildest dream, see a dream...a peaceful world where Israel and Palestinians, Hindus and Muslims, African tribes, English and Irish, live peacefully side by side.
Even if Dawood was extradited to India...he would live a contented life in jail.....with the A/c, Mobile phone, Cable TV, Room Service, Massage schedules etc. They might even arrange a swimming pool for him.
It is even Rumored that he occasionally visits India.
He has his connections.
It's often been observed that the first casualty of war is the truth. But that's a lie, too, in its way. The reality is that, for most wars to begin, the truth has to have been sacrificed a long time in advance.
-L. Neil Smith
One cannot not say what is corrupt, all governments around the world smell and deal with corruption on a day-to-day basis. It is the under educated population who feeds into there lies and manipulation. We are all facing a new war on us, we need to come together and end terrorism.
agree with the above our governments have really benefited from making us foes but wont think ahead as to what peace will do to this land that we call subcontinent.
we are just puppets in thr hands they say pakistan is behind this so indians say kill the pakistanis and vise versa... when r we going to stop being played by the politicians
I am with Pajju on this one. I frankly do not feel its the 'jihad' type terrorism this time although its been made to look like that. I'm definte that the issue is more a political one and the Indian government(politicians) have a lot to do with the mumbai issue and simply blaming the common pakistani for this is ridiculous.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
it is the general perception and nothing else
what we need is thorough enquiry and joint (INDO-PAK) effort to fight against terrorism with solidarity
That's how I see it Brit., politics. Solution? Heck, rid both countries of politicians. Do we need to hear rhetorics here for us to understand? Details of which only obfuscate our minds.
You've just stated the problem..
However, it's fixable. Rather than always being manipulated and baying for blood, the peoples of both nations need to tell the politicians to get together and resolve issues.
Brit, the morass these 2 countries are into is impossible to fix. How'd you fix a prob such as the prejudice and hate they have for each other? Have they ever reached a peaceful accord? If they did, it's easily shattered by 'covert' actions done by either one. Bottom line? Dirty politics. I'm just curious how it feels to have that kind of power in your hands. Literally holding millions of lives in your hands, and perhaps the world, by extension, since both are nuclear capable.
now thats the point of inflammation...from rayyz !!!
no more terrorism then in both the countries..
jail their respective leaders who are irresponsible, deceitful, arrogant, hypocrite and corrupt, before they can talk about peace.
"If you don't want my apples, don't shake my tree"
Your points are valid..However, IMHO , both sides use "covert" means to destabilize the other.
This may have worked in the past, but surely, bith countries need to move on now. They need to learn to co-exist and focus on their own issues.
Pakistan basically is a failed economy. Time and again it has been proved and it is perhaps in worst possible state.
I am one for peace, however, the basic problem is that Pakistan Government has absolute no control over their own Army, ISI or LeT (which operates from Pakistan). They are hardly making any effort to get rid of the militants, despite numerous appeals from India as well as the US. One example is most wanted gangster from India, Dawood Ibrahim. His daughter is married to cricketer Javed Miandad's son. He now resides in Pakistan and was even present for their wedding. They yet maintain that Dawood is not in Pakistan. Entire world seems to have seen the reception pics except for Pak Govt. officials!
Best part is that Pak Govt. keeps on denying that they're in no way involved in events that took place in Bombay, which makes us, Indians, even more furious.
If they cannot get hold of actions of elements or people from their own land which is affecting their neighbors then someone else will have to do it for them. India has their on internal problems arising from religious groups such as Bajrang Dal and the SIMI. They've never bothered Pakistan atleast.
3000 QL Points
Way to go Ray!
both Indian and Pakistani governments used the mumbai issue to deflect attention from domestic concerns.
When we talk about the Indo-Pakistan or mumbai problem, we are assuming they are problems and that people are searching for solutions.
I don’t think this is the case. I think that for the governments of both Pakistan and India, mumbai is the solution,it is the rabbit they pull out of the hat every time they face domestic problems.
Hope they join together to fight and clean up the terror outfits and work together in a better tie in future for the progress of both.
Every society is judged by how
it treats it's least fortunates.
and they represent the big mass....we should be, at first, know the value of our ballot, which in the, if casted wrongly, end become the bullet which kill inocents...
Agreed to Victor Bhatt, NO WAR, it will breed more terrorists..determintaion from both the parties, that they are serious to tackle the issue...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
So perhaps it's the peoples of both countries who need to force the politicians into the correct course of action..
and politicians with their selfish agenda worsen the situation more than reconstruct it...
that's the truth about politics!
Well there's what SHOULD happen and what's GOING to happen. What's going to happen is that more people will die and the meaningless violence will continue. What should happen is that people should realize that violence solves nothing and this should open the way to peace discussions.
On the table negotiations and solidarity to acheive common goals is the only solution for us.....
If you're going to say "Kill the others", then please don't post here.
Only constructive and meaningful discussion please..