lusitano...It’s not about “spoiling the party”. You are the one who assumed that only “Those who come from extreme poor backgrounds, countries with limited personal freedom, or even rich countries but with but with poor cultural and intellectual backgrounds, will probably feel contented here.”. And I assume, those with more “sophisticated structure” like yourself, can never feel comfortable/happy here . These are your words, not mine. You indirectly accused me and others who feels good, in being a “lower class” with limited intellectual potential, with no cultural or educational background, with the narrow mind and view, and who are happy for only having extra few pennies in their pockets.
And that’s what exactly I can say to you: “You don’t know me, my background or even the reasons that I am here in Qatar”. Because again, this thread is NOT about what’s bad or what’s good in Qatar. This thread is even not about Qatar at all. It is about ME, finding my own niche in absolutely new, unknown, unexpected, unusual environment. I hope you see the difference.
And I hope and wish everybody will be able to find such spot for him/herself, no matter where they are: Qatar, Honolulu or the Moon…
cheers, buddy!
The best thing: I admire the Qatari policy called “qatarization”. I don’t agree with some ways of implementing this policy. But I understand, there was no such precedent in the world, so it’s a quite hard job.
and I totally admire the First Lady of Qatar, HH Sheikha Mouza with her policy of educational and cultural improvements, Art development and saving qatari traditions...
The worst thing is of course the same annoying “rent increase and inflation”.

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry