First, you misunderstand a whole concept of coming to work in Qatar. Qatar needs you only at the stage of its development. You should understand that the Country developing process takes a bit longer than 1-2-3 years. You cannot change mentality and life style of whole nation in 1-2 or even 5 years. You need at very least 1 generation to see some results. So you shouldn’t “give up” just because FOR EXAMPLE, after 1 year of introducing new traffic rules, there are still crazy aggressive drivers on the roads. You should understand that insha’allah their kids will drive in a more civilized manner (kids, I mean those who will grow up in 20 years, not the present 20 years old kids). For another example, 2 years ago they didn’t have a computerized system in the traffic department. At all. You had to wait for ages till they exchange your driver license. Today, with the computers and trained stuff (by the way, most of them are Qataris), it takes 10-15 minutes. You shouldn’t give up, coz Qatar is only in the beginning of its development, and that’s WHY this country needs you in the first place. When it will be developed and settled like Europe, they won’t invite you here, YOU will be begging them to accept you. So I think you ar the one who is coming from the extreme poor backgrounds with very narrow mind and imagination, since you are unable to understand simple things. You cannot understand where you are and what’s going on around, and why it’s going on, and where does it lead, and what will be result in 1-2 generations, not in 1-2 years as per your limited view.
Second, you misunderstand a whole concept of being happy. Happiness is not about what is AROUND YOU… Happiness is about WHAT IS INSIDE of YOU! Our lives usually are far from Paradise in general anywhere. Even those who we think live in Paradise, they still have their own issues and life dramas…I guess if your life in your country was a Paradise you wouldn’t be here in the first place. I guess it was not Paradise either… So you came here to look for Paradise, and this your intention was wrong initially..OR if it WAS a Paradise, and you came to Qatar with the CLEAR understanding that it is NOT a Paradise, comparing to your country, you shouldn’t complain then. Poor you, you cannot find a peace with yourself.
Nobody is appealing to keep closing your eyes. We do whatever we can do! we call attention to the problems, we discuss the issues, we do some great volunteer jobs. But as I said, if you expect things to be changed in few months, it shows me how shallow you imagination is. If you came here hoping to find a Paradise here, it shows me how shallow your knowledge is.

That’s good that the fact of abusing human rights makes you unhappy. Here is a source for finding your happiness: Fight for it! Don’t expect that someone will do a job for you in order to make you happy, and you will be just enjoying the result. Find your happiness in work, in volunteer jobs, in improving yours and other’s lives. Help to build "dynamic cultural and intellectual society", similar to one i assume you came from, instead of complaining that nobody has prepared it for you to make you happy in Qatar!

sorry if my post a bit messy, as I am really busy at work, and as usual do 100 things at the same time.. but i think you got my idea.. unless your mind is even more narrow that I assumed.

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry