I feel your pain, brit, forced to eat pecan pie and the like (she shudders delicately.) Perhaps you should just make the ultimate sacrifice for love and adopt an American accent (the shudder becomes less delicate.) You could almost - dare I say it? - "pass." I know, I know, your life would become a sham and you would always be looking over your shoulder to see if someone would reveal your dreadful secret. But as you say, it's all for love (sighs romantically.)
I feel your pain, brit, forced to eat pecan pie and the like (she shudders delicately.) Perhaps you should just make the ultimate sacrifice for love and adopt an American accent (the shudder becomes less delicate.) You could almost - dare I say it? - "pass." I know, I know, your life would become a sham and you would always be looking over your shoulder to see if someone would reveal your dreadful secret. But as you say, it's all for love (sighs romantically.)