Physical definition of calculus
Steps To find the area of an irregular lamina.
1. Trace the shape in a piece of paper.
2. Cut it with a pair of scissors.
3. Make 100 copies of the same by using photocopy.
4. Use glue to stick them.
5. Note the height(h).
6. Use lacquer or touchwood syntheic varnish to make it waterproof.
7. Now you have a 3-D object,having extruded the lamina.
8. Now fill a small tub with water upto the brim.
9. Immerse the object in the tub.
10. Collect the displaced water.
11. Calculate the volume(v) with a measuring cylinder or from the wt. of water displaced.
12. Now to get the area A divide the volume(v) by the height(h).
A= v/h.

This is how a stupid person will find the area of a lamina.
Another option is to use a planimeter. But this one too is stupid.
Another way is to draw the figure in any CAD and use the Area command. This is much easier.
So the moral of the story:
Only stupid people should learn calculus.