Blueray movies and players are still very expensive and movie titles are still limited in blue ray. If you are a big movie buff, it would be a good idea to get a blue ray player because it is future proof.

Personally, Im not willing to spend the money on a blue ray player and blue ray dvds yet.

I bought an hd dvd player which are cheap now because they lost the war and bought a bunch of hd dvds cheap for my library and watch new movies on regular dvd that get upscaled with the hd dvd player.

I mean, even if you have a blue ray player you still have to pay like 30 bucks for each blue ray movie. DVDs are considerbly cheaper and look good enough through a hd dvd or good dvd player with hd tv.

Depends how serious you are about high definition. If I were to buy now, I would get the blue ray player.