blame it on peer pressure,i say.newly married men hear tales of woe from their peers and subconsciously start feeling that perhaps their new brides will also tread the same path later try as we might,if we falter even a little bit,their thoughts will go haywire and they too will join the bandwagon of sob-story tellers.then it's a vicious circle.....they start telling lies to go out with friends,we lose our trust in them,and so on and so forth....
blame it on peer pressure,i say.newly married men hear tales of woe from their peers and subconsciously start feeling that perhaps their new brides will also tread the same path later try as we might,if we falter even a little bit,their thoughts will go haywire and they too will join the bandwagon of sob-story tellers.then it's a vicious circle.....they start telling lies to go out with friends,we lose our trust in them,and so on and so forth....
Keep smiling!