That is certainly one way of interpreting it or may I say one of the several school of thoughts in Dharma.
I am sure if you enquire deeper and look out of the Budhist concept of "Mind", you might find alternative explanation which might help us realize that although Animals have less developed "Biological" Brain, that doesnot prohibit them being "Conscious".
Also whatever a Human Brain "petrceives" as TRUE from one point of Reference may not be TRUE from different point of reference.
This is very well proved by one philosopher named Swami Vivekananda from West Bengal, India, that Consciousness is independent of BRAIN.
Also you implied that "Nirvana" is dependent on "Brain or Mind, which as a follower of Vednata many in India may not agree.
That is certainly one way of interpreting it or may I say one of the several school of thoughts in Dharma.
I am sure if you enquire deeper and look out of the Budhist concept of "Mind", you might find alternative explanation which might help us realize that although Animals have less developed "Biological" Brain, that doesnot prohibit them being "Conscious".
Also whatever a Human Brain "petrceives" as TRUE from one point of Reference may not be TRUE from different point of reference.
This is very well proved by one philosopher named Swami Vivekananda from West Bengal, India, that Consciousness is independent of BRAIN.
Also you implied that "Nirvana" is dependent on "Brain or Mind, which as a follower of Vednata many in India may not agree.