it is said that the soul is nothing but the energy within every individual.according to the laws of physics,energy in any form can neither be created nor only changes from one form to another.but what about the formless energy within a living being?the body is buried/cremated/whatever.but what happens to the energy?it is that force which is left is said that at the time of death,at which this very energy is about to leave the body,it is able to view other similar energy levels....i.e.,the dying person is elevated to a level in which his/her eyes are able to see much more than others.that is why it is often heard of that people 'saw their forefathers' just before their own death.

even normal people are born with different energy levels...that is what makes psychics and mediums different from the rest of us.they are able to see things which a large percentage of us cannot.i have read and done a lot of study on this topic.... :-)

Keep smiling!
