and too a point it is very true....Most (note: I said most not all) people who follow religion and strictly adhere too it become blinded to everything else..The trouble with religion it only teaches religion according to it's belief and no of the history of the religion..Why? because if people actually knew the very beginnings of a religion they would probably not follow that religion blindly. an example of this can be found in Christianity. If you asked most christians why they celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December they will tell you because that is what is written in the bible...the truth is there is no exact date given in the bible for Jesus birth only reference is that it took place some time during a point when the funds were low in the royal pockets so they called upon all farmers nad merchants too come and pay extra taxes to fill them up again. The date of the 25th of December was actually set by The Emperor Constantine when he decided to switch Rome from a predominantly pagan state to a christian state at the advise of the senate to do what was best for the roman empire. the reason for the date was they already celebrated the Mid winter Solstice on this date so it would be easier for the masses to remember. The same is for Easter this is held on the dates that used to be known as the Harvest feast and is calculated by the cycle of the moon.

What does this have too do with this topic...It would appear that there are people on this site that are so blinded by their religion that that is all they see they know non of what their religion is truly about and only know what they are taught then criticies those that have looked beyond just the religion to understand the history behind it..I know this is true of Gypsy as it is of many others, those practicing the religion and those that don't...

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.