I think all of you confused smilingmoon, and no one explained it.
First of all, it is allowed for you to marry a Qatari girl, and maybe it is easier if a Qatari guy is planning to marry a non-qatari girl.
Do you believe it, I think you don't, and the reason is because if you are a nonqatari, and you want to marry a qatari one, you have to take the approval from her parents before the official permission, which is more diffecult. I think it is smart....If you are a qatari guy, you don't need your familly permission, yeah it better if you can get it, but you can marry without it, and thats you cannot get the official permission easly.
However, maybe I can understand this strickted law, we know the local comunity is still a small comunity, so it is better to be undercontrol, whih I can understand.
About the high maintenance girls, I agree with honestpedal, this high maintenance girl can be found in any community, and if she was born with drivers and nannies, servants around her, why do we have to blame her, if I am in her shose, maybe I will prefer to live in the same inviroment.
We have to open-minded to discuss such issues, otherwise, it will be wating time.
I think all of you confused smilingmoon, and no one explained it.
First of all, it is allowed for you to marry a Qatari girl, and maybe it is easier if a Qatari guy is planning to marry a non-qatari girl.
Do you believe it, I think you don't, and the reason is because if you are a nonqatari, and you want to marry a qatari one, you have to take the approval from her parents before the official permission, which is more diffecult. I think it is smart....If you are a qatari guy, you don't need your familly permission, yeah it better if you can get it, but you can marry without it, and thats you cannot get the official permission easly.
However, maybe I can understand this strickted law, we know the local comunity is still a small comunity, so it is better to be undercontrol, whih I can understand.
About the high maintenance girls, I agree with honestpedal, this high maintenance girl can be found in any community, and if she was born with drivers and nannies, servants around her, why do we have to blame her, if I am in her shose, maybe I will prefer to live in the same inviroment.
We have to open-minded to discuss such issues, otherwise, it will be wating time.