Winn man the thing is it is said that the words in the Holy Bible were relayed by God himself. I have said before and I'll say it again, I do not wish to convince anyone. Sorry you know I can do better right, but I really have never felt for it on matters relating to religion, and this is not just on QL, this is in "real" life as well. I entered this discussion to take issue with adeys sig, (maybe I should have just sent him a PM but he would have thought I wanted flendsheep, hehe) Iv wanted to do so from the very first time my eyes lay on his sig :) but never really found the ideal opportunity (though came close on his sausage thread, haha-NOT). I could easily search out for hard core reasons to support my beliefs THAT would be hypocrisy because I can assure you I'd be copying and pasting someone else's opinions. All I know is that I believe and I am taking the Bible as is, with some questions yes, but leaving the rest to some deep thoughts between myself and the Big Man. :)

And about "taking this somewhere else, thanks for the suggestion, but I'd stay here..." Winn doll, I certainly wasnt implying you should bugger off man, I said "restrict the hate elsewhere" meaning leaving the tirade (sorry but I still think your post was a tad bit inflammatory, but then again I am biased on this subject) to those threads on religion that end up causing almost all involved high blood pressure.

I don't mean to sound repetitive but from one of my posts I said scripture is all I stand on, and I say that unashamedly as it is through the various interpretations from "scholars" that problems have arisen. Not everyone will concur with me as not everyone believes that Scripture is authoritative and I respect that. However, it is my truth and Im sticking to it. :) It's a pain being stubborn I can tell you that, haha

I guess you and I differed on the tone of both our posts. My apologies if I in turn offended you, that was certainly not my intention.

Thank you for the sweet remarks. You're quite sweet yourself, must be all those carrots we're munching on. teehee.

------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------