When His people were in bondage and enslaved by the Egyptians God said "Let my people go"...I think thats testament enough that God did/does not condone slavery. Yes slavery existed. But was it condoned? I think not.
"Just hate it when people argue quoting scriptures rather than sticking to logic n sense."
Winn logic and sense is subjective, don't you think? I think you should take a cue from this thread and restrict the "hate" elsewhere. You may not agree with those of us who choose to go by the Holy Books, but that's no reason why you cannot disagree respectfully with us, yes? It's posts like yours that end up inflaming otherwise calm discussions. No offence man.
Also please don't paint all believers with the same brush. "Also that them other guys are second grade people, u r the goody ones protected by the skydaddy". Having met me, Winn, I hope I do not pass myself off as uppity. :)
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
When His people were in bondage and enslaved by the Egyptians God said "Let my people go"...I think thats testament enough that God did/does not condone slavery. Yes slavery existed. But was it condoned? I think not.
"Just hate it when people argue quoting scriptures rather than sticking to logic n sense."
Winn logic and sense is subjective, don't you think? I think you should take a cue from this thread and restrict the "hate" elsewhere. You may not agree with those of us who choose to go by the Holy Books, but that's no reason why you cannot disagree respectfully with us, yes? It's posts like yours that end up inflaming otherwise calm discussions. No offence man.
Also please don't paint all believers with the same brush. "Also that them other guys are second grade people, u r the goody ones protected by the skydaddy". Having met me, Winn, I hope I do not pass myself off as uppity. :)
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------