adey, do you realise how often you contradict yourself? First you say "...the texts have not changed but their interpretation and application has definitely, how shall we say, matured over time." and then you say "...but your whole arguments are based around believing the scripture - thats all you have." Can your position be any more unstable? You seem to make it up as you go along. I will not deny that I have nothing but scripture to stand on. Why should I go by the interpretations of "scholars" who are led mostly by their own personal convictions and not by the Word of God or His true intent? This is where a number of religious wars etc have stemmed from, from men twisting various doctrines set down by God and using them for their personal gain.
Let me be clear, scripture is all I have to stand on. I say that unashamedly. Why would I take that as being rude? If anything, you couldn't have said it better. I have no intention of trying to convince you or anyone else of my beliefs. There are those "anointed" with that gift. I have simply voiced my disagreement with your sig, and alas I am content.
And no, I will not read "you" as religious people. There is a big difference between religious people and believers.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
adey, do you realise how often you contradict yourself? First you say "...the texts have not changed but their interpretation and application has definitely, how shall we say, matured over time." and then you say "...but your whole arguments are based around believing the scripture - thats all you have." Can your position be any more unstable? You seem to make it up as you go along. I will not deny that I have nothing but scripture to stand on. Why should I go by the interpretations of "scholars" who are led mostly by their own personal convictions and not by the Word of God or His true intent? This is where a number of religious wars etc have stemmed from, from men twisting various doctrines set down by God and using them for their personal gain.
Let me be clear, scripture is all I have to stand on. I say that unashamedly. Why would I take that as being rude? If anything, you couldn't have said it better. I have no intention of trying to convince you or anyone else of my beliefs. There are those "anointed" with that gift. I have simply voiced my disagreement with your sig, and alas I am content.
And no, I will not read "you" as religious people. There is a big difference between religious people and believers.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------