Anti Pregnancy Vaccine - Tetanus Toxoid

Anti-pregnancy element found in tetanus vaccines

by Paul Gallagher

More than a year ago, HLI Reports brought its readers an alarming front-page report about the Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine campaigns then underway in Mexico and the Philippines.
Pro-life sources within those countries made a startling allegation - that these government-supplied vaccines contained an anti-pregnancy hormone that caused unsuspecting women
to abort their unborn children.1

Pro-abortion groups and government officials in those countries and at the World Health Organization (WHO) reacted sharply. They angrily denied the reports and accused HLI of
trying to frighten women out of getting vaccinations necessary for their health and well-being. They rejected HLI's call for a Congressional investigation as symptomatic of a
supposedly paranoid mindset.

Now an official government study in the Philippines lends credence to what HLI first reported so many months ago. A recently released expert study, commissioned by the
Philippine Department of Health and the Philippine Medical Association, provides additional evidence that the vaccines supplied by the WHO are indeed contaminated with Human
Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), a hormone essential for maintaining pregnancy.2

"The study shows that HCG, which should not be in the vaccine is, in fact, in the vaccine," Sen. Francisco S. Tatad said. "The vaccine is contaminated, not pure."

What is HCG?

HCG is commonly referred to as the "pregnancy hormone" because elevated levels of HCG in a woman's body is one of the most reliable markers of pregnancy. (In fact, pregnancy
tests are usually tests for HCG.) It causes the release of other hormones which are essential for facilitating implantation of the fertilized egg.

Adding HCG to a vaccine such as the Tetanus Toxoid, however, leads the body to form anti-bodies against both tetanus and HCG. Once a woman has accumulated antibodies
against HCG in her system, she can no longer maintain a pregnancy. When she becomes pregnant, anti-HCG antibodies cause a miscarriage by "disabling or deactivating" the HCG
needed for implantation.3

Prior evidence mounts

Pro-life groups in these countries became suspicious long before HCG was first detected in the vaccines. For one thing, only women of reproductive age (between the ages of 15-45)
were being vaccinated; men and children were inexplicably excluded, even though they would seem just as likely to contract tetanus.

In addition, the vaccination protocols called for multiple injections - three within three months and five altogether. Yet a single tetanus shot is good for 10 years or more.

More importantly, the pregnant women who had received the injections began complaining of symptoms such as vaginal bleeding and early miscarriages - odd reactions, indeed, if
all they had received were tetanus shots.4

Vaccine in the works

The presence of HCG in the Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine, which has now been administered to millions of women in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines, comes as less of a shock
when one considers the fact that the WHO has been trying to develop an anti-fertility vaccine for more than two decades. Reports of its progress have appeared in various medical
journals since the early 1970s.

A 1988 article in The Washington Post highlighted the latest findings in the search for a "contraceptive" vaccine. Dr. Jose Barzelatto of the World Health Organization how
researchers felt "optimistic" about the successful trials they had conducted on animals such as baboons. But, he cautioned, "we really don't know until they test women and find out
if they get pregnant."5

In light of what has been happening to pregnant women in countries where the WHO has been conducting vaccine campaigns, it's fair to ask: Has someone surreptitiously
continued WHO's experiments, simply transferring them from animals to humans?

Whither the pro-aborts?

Pro-abortion groups have remained understandably silent following the release of this official study. There is little they can say to defend the covert nature of the WHO's
anti-fertility campaign. After criticizing HLI so harshly before, and so recklessly defending the vaccines, they have squandered a great deal of their credibility.

Last year, the Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights, based in the Netherlands, did not hesitate to label HLI's report "irresponsible and dangerous" and charged that HLI
was "endangering people's lives."6 The World Health Organization maintained that such reports were "completely false and totally without any scientific basis."7

Neither group has offered any comment now that the case against the vaccines has been strengthened. The media have in effect labeled this explosive story a "non-issue" by their
silence. HLI, however, will keep you informed.

Paul Gallagher is editor of HLI Reports.

1 "Baby-killing vaccine: is it being stealth tested?," HLI Reports, June/July 1995, p. 1.

2 "Experts confirm contaminated anti-tetanus vaccines," News release from the Office of Senator Francisco S. Tatad, 4 September 1996.

3 "Anti-fertility drug experiments?" The Simbahayan Commission, Philippines. 4 Ibid.

5 "Contraceptive vaccine shows promise," The Washington Post, 17 June 1988, p. A1.

6 WGNRR press release, July 1995.

7 WHO press release, 19 July 1995.