The one of the doctors the at the centre of the research into using "thalidomide" during pregnancy was my mums doctor Dr William McBride,who was her doctor during her pregnancies, for those that don't know thalidomide was given during pregnancy back in the 60's and 70's as an anti nausea drug to fight of "Morning Sickness" it is still used today to fight cancer in various form and is why women who under go treatment for cancer are advised if they want to have children after treatment to harvest eggs for freezing.
Now I'm not saying that he was not right, but you do know he was barred from practicing because he basically committed medical fraud, he didn't take the time to carry out the proper research and get the proper results before publishing his findings, having said that what he knew in theory was right.
Also it might amuse some this is also the same doctor who induced my mum twice, 2 weeks before her due date because he had a golf match on the day I was supposed to be born and was going on holidays the week my brother was due.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
The one of the doctors the at the centre of the research into using "thalidomide" during pregnancy was my mums doctor Dr William McBride,who was her doctor during her pregnancies, for those that don't know thalidomide was given during pregnancy back in the 60's and 70's as an anti nausea drug to fight of "Morning Sickness" it is still used today to fight cancer in various form and is why women who under go treatment for cancer are advised if they want to have children after treatment to harvest eggs for freezing.
Now I'm not saying that he was not right, but you do know he was barred from practicing because he basically committed medical fraud, he didn't take the time to carry out the proper research and get the proper results before publishing his findings, having said that what he knew in theory was right.
Also it might amuse some this is also the same doctor who induced my mum twice, 2 weeks before her due date because he had a golf match on the day I was supposed to be born and was going on holidays the week my brother was due.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.