and 4.15 when I drove down along the length of the corniche... I saw folks walking as couples - dressed in Yellow... then there was one dad and small son both in yellow T shirts, another woman and man again both in yellow... another group of kids and adults and a mixed bag of singles, all displaying yellow.

This was because an earlier message had gone out saying to 'walk the corniche wearing yellow'... so people did just that. From the Sheraton end of the corniche, we could see further along small groups of folks wearing the yellow, some of whom arrived after the family had left, and having walked the length of the corniche arrived when we were leaving too, but not a problem... the idea was to let folks and TV know that we were against this and Governments must not be apathetic towards this new type of violence. By that I mean "nothing to do tonight, so lets bash up a foreigner" type of violence... !!! Somebody has to do something, otherwise if we say nothing, it will grow and develope until it becomes the norm in each city, and justice will be just as apathetic if we remain silent.


If the grass is greener on the other side, its sure the water bill is higher !